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Enable Restaking

After your Beacon chain ETH balance has been proven and verified on chain, you will be able to Restake that ETH balance with EigenLayer. EigenLayer manages this process automatically via its beacon chain oracle service. Once the process is complete, you will see the balance in "Awaiting Restake" updated to reflect your Native Restaked balance.


This process can take up to 4 hours after your validators have entered the active state on the beacon chain. You may use as a reference during this process.

Step 1: Click Restake from the Beacon Chain Ether page.

Step 2: Observe the app is fetching beacon chain proofs and validating them on-chain.

Step 3: Confirm the transaction via your Web3 wallet.

Step 4: Observe your Beacon Chain Restaked and Total Restaked balances have increased accordingly.