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Unstake and Withdraw


All funds unstaked from EigenLayer will go through an escrow period before being eligible to be fully withdrawn. Please see the Escrow Period section for more detail.

Step 1: Navigate to the token asset you wish to unstake. Click Unstake to continue.

Step 2: Choose the the amount of the asset you wish to restake. Click Submit to continue.

Step 3: Click Confirm to sign the queue withdrawal transaction when prompted by your wallet.

Step 4: Observe the Unstake confirmation page. Your withdrawal is now in escrow. Wait for the escrow period to complete.

Step 5: Once the escrow completes, you'll see the withdrawable balance under Available to Withdraw. Click Withdraw to complete the withdrawal. Sign the transaction when prompted by your Web3 wallet.

After the transaction is completed your withdrawn assets will be visible in your Web3 wallet.