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Rewards Distribution Data

Rewards snapshot distribution data is available via a public S3 bucket. Users may access this data for their own analytics purposes. Follow these steps in order access the data:

  1. Get a list of snapshot dates from RewardsCoordinator contract.
  • Find the RewardsCoordinator Proxy address for Testnet or Mainnet here.
  • Get the DistributionRoot(s) needed for the rewards time ranges desired.
    • Call getCurrentDistributionRoot which will give you the most recent root posted. getCurrentClaimableDistributionRoot will give you the most recent claimable root since there is an activation delay.
      • You may also call getCurrentDistributionRoot which will give you the most recent root posted. getCurrentClaimableDistributionRoot will give you the most recent claimable root since there is an activation delay.
    • Find the rewardsCalculationEndTimestamp value as the second value in the DistributionRoot struct resulting tuple.
    • Or Index on the event DistributionRootSubmitted which is emitted when a root is created.
    • Note: the current snapshot cadence is at most once per day for Testnet, weekly for Mainnet if there are new rewards to publish (more detail here).
  • Convert this rewardsCalculationEndTimestamp value from unix time stamp integer format to the date format YYYY-MM-DD using a conversion tool (example here).
  1. Construct the URL to return the claim-amounts.json file for the desired snapshot date in the following format:

https://<bucket url>/<environment>/<network>/<snapshot date>/claim-amounts.json


Extract data from the claim-amounts.json file as needed. Please find the schema here:

"$schema": "",
"title": "EigenLayer rewards cumulative earnings",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"earner": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Ethereum address"
"token": {
"type": "string",
"Ethereum address"
"snapshot": {
"type": "number",
"Unix timestamp of the snapshot date in UTC"
"cumulative_amount": {
"type": "string",
"Number of tokens earned since genesis"
"required": [

Note: claim-amounts.json file is not a json file, but a json line file where each line is a valid json object.