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Operator Security Risks

Malicious AVS

  • Guest container breaking into host machine:

    • Kernel Exploits: Containers share the same kernel as the host. If there are vulnerabilities in the kernel, a container might exploit them to gain elevated privileges on the host.
    • Escape to Host: There have been vulnerabilities in the past that allowed processes within a container to escape and get access to the host. This is especially dangerous if containers are run with elevated privileges.
    • Inter-container Attacks: If one container is compromised, an attacker might try to move laterally to other containers on the same host.
  • Access to the host’s network. Because containers run in a home stakers environment, they have access to a home network or a k8s environment.

  • Malware in the container or via a supply chain attack or AVS is malicious.

AVS Implementation and Deployment Bugs

  • Running outdated software.
  • Misconfigured ports and services open to the internet.
  • Running containers with elevated privileges.

What can operators do to mitigate malicious AVS risks?

Operator Best Practices

  • Regularly update and patch containers and the host system.
  • Don't share your keys between AVSs / ETH validator. Refer to key management section.
  • Monitor container runtime (logs) behavior for any suspicious activities and setup alerts as relevant.
  • Do not run containers with privileged flag.It can give them almost unrestricted access to the host.
  • Limit Resources to a container so it doesn’t take down the cluster / node
  • Data Theft: Do not mount entire volumes into containers to prevent data leak, container escapes etc.
  • Follow Network Access / Least privilege principles in your organization to reduce attack surface



  • Only allow Network traffic to ports / from whitelisted ip's required by the AVS.
  • Do not expose critical services like ssh to the internet.
  • Configure your firewall with a DENY ALL approach and explicitly allow traffic that is required.

Docker Infra

  • Network Segmentation: Use Docker's network policies to segment containers and limit inter-container communication.
  • Regular Audits: audit and monitor container activities using tools like - Docker Bench for Security or Clair.
  • Isolation
    • Through VMs: lightweight VMs (like Kata Containers or gVisor) combine container - flexibility with VM isolation.
    • User namespaces, seccomp, AppArmor, and SELinux etc can help further restrict the container.

K8’s Infra

Incident Response Plan:

  • Have a plan in place for how to respond if a container is compromised. This includes isolating affected containers, analyzing, and restoring services.
  • Regular Backups: Regularly backup your data and configurations to recover from any malicious changes.
  • Stay Updated: Always keep an eye on Docker's official documentation, security advisories, and community forums for the latest best practices and updates.