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Prometheus Metrics Specification

The table below defines metrics which may be captured by AVS Nodes which expose metrics to Prometheus. AVSs may expose additional metrics however these should not use the eigen_ prefix.

Economics metrics

NameMetric TypeDefinitionLabels
eigen_registered_stakesGaugeOperator stakes in AVS registry contract. Most commonly represents a weighted combination of delegated shares in the DelegationManager EigenLayer contract.quorum_number, quorum_name

A definition of a strategy contract can be found in Key Terms.


The quorum_name label of the eigen_registered_stakes metric is optional and can be omitted.

Performance metrics

NameMetric TypeDefinitionLabels
eigen_performance_scoreGaugeThe performance metric is a score between 0 and 100 and each developer can define their own way of calculating the score. The score is calculated based on the performance of the AVS Node and the performance of the backing services.

RPC metrics

NameMetric TypeDefinitionLabels
eigen_rpc_request_duration_secondsHistogramDuration of json-rpc <method> in seconds from Ethereum Execution client <client>method, client_version
eigen_rpc_request_totalCounterTotal of json-rpc <method> requests from Ethereum Execution client <client>method, client_version

Notation examples

  • eigen_registered_stakes{quorum_number=0, quorum_name="ethLST"}
  • eigen_performance_score{}
  • eigen_rpc_request_duration_seconds{method="eth_getBlockByNumber", client_version="nethermind/v1.17.2"}
  • eigen_rpc_request_total{method="eth_getBlockByNumber", client_version="nethermind/v1.17.2"}