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The AVS Node HTTP RESTful API provides a common interface for Nodes designed for the EigenLayer protocol.

Base URL

The base URL for the API is:


API Versioning

This document describes the AVS Node API version v0.0.1. The API version follows the same EigenLayer AVS Node specification version.

The API version can be included in the query string as follows:


In case of handling a request without the version query parameter, the API will respond with the latest version of the API.

If the requested version is not supported, the API will respond with a 404 Not Found error and the following message:

"message": "API version not found"


Endpoints to query Node related information.

GET /eigen/node

Provides AVS Node and API identity information in a format similar to HTTP User-Agent.


No parameters


200 - Request successful

Content-Type: application/json

"node_name": "EigenLayer-AVS",
"spec_version": "v0.0.1",
"node_version": "v1.0.0"

500 - Internal server error

Content-Type: application/json

"message": "Internal server error"

GET /eigen/node/health

Returns AVS Node health status in HTTP status codes.


No parameters


200 - AVS Node is healthy

206 - AVS Node is partially healthy. It is either initializing or some backing services are not healthy.

503 - AVS Node is unhealthy or having issues.

GET /eigen/node/services

Returns a list of all backing services that are currently registered with the AVS Node setup. Useful to determine if a service is currently registered with the AVS Node and to get the service ID for health endpoint.


No parameters


200 - Request successful

Content-Type: application/json

"services": [
"id": "db-1",
"name": "Database",
"description": "Database description",
"status": "Up",
"id": "idx-2",
"name": "Indexer",
"description": "Indexer description",
"status": "Down",

500 - Internal server error

Content-Type: application/json

"message": "Internal server error"

GET /eigen/node/services/{service_ID}/health

Returns the health status of the given service in HTTP status codes. The service ID is the service ID returned by the /eigen/services endpoint. The service is considered healthy if the service is registered with the AVS Node and the service is currently online.


service_ID string (path) - Service ID


200 - Backing service is healthy

206 - Backing service is partially healthy. It is either initializing or not ready yet.

503 - Backing service is unhealthy or having issues.