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AVS Dashboard Onboarding

This document defines interfaces that AVSs must implement for us to be able to index their data for the V1 AVS Marketplace.

New AVS Listings: in order for an AVS to have its name, information, and logo indexed, it must invoke updateAVSMetadataURI() on the AVSDirectory contract. It currently takes about 10 minutes for it to be indexed and the metadata to be updated on the dashboard.

Updating AVS Listings: if you deploy a new contract for a new version of your AVS, please be sure to remove the previous listing. Invoke the update metadata function with value of null, such as updateAVSMetadataURI("") to remove the previous listing. Your listing will then be removed from the application cache within one hour.


interface IServiceManager {
// Below 3 functions are just proxies to the same-named functions in the AVSDirectory
function registerOperatorToAVS(address operator, Signature memory signature);

function deregisterOperatorFromAVS(address operator);

function updateAVSMetadataURI(string calldata metadataURI);

// Below 2 functions are needed for your AVS to appear correctly on the UI
function getOperatorRestakedStrategies(address operator) returns (address[] memory)

function getRestakeableStrategies() returns (address[] memory);

registerOperatorToAVS and deregisterOperatorFromAVS

In order to have its list of operators displayed on the UI, an AVS MUST handle operator registration/deregistration by calling registerOperatorToAVS() and deregisterOperatorFromAVS() on EigenLayer’s AVSDirectory. Primarily, these functions serve to forward calls to the AVSDirectory.sol contract to confirm an operator's registration with the AVS.

function registerOperatorToAVS(
address operator,
ISignatureUtils.SignatureWithSaltAndExpiry memory operatorSignature
) public virtual onlyRegistryCoordinator {
avsDirectory.registerOperatorToAVS(operator, operatorSignature);

function deregisterOperatorFromAVS(address operator) public virtual onlyRegistryCoordinator {


This function must be implemented in order to provide the list of strategies that an operator has restaked with the AVS. This allows the AVS to have its total restaked value displayed on the UI. Given an operator, this function should:

  • Retrieve the operator's quorum bitmap from the RegistryCoordinator.sol contract.
  • Retrieve the addresses of the strategies for each quorum in the quorum bitmap

Note that there is no guarantee is made on whether the operator has shares for a strategy in a quorum or uniqueness of each element in the returned array. The off-chain service should do that validation separately

function getOperatorRestakedStrategies(address operator) external view returns (address[] memory) {
bytes32 operatorId = registryCoordinator.getOperatorId(operator);
uint192 operatorBitmap = registryCoordinator.getCurrentQuorumBitmap(operatorId);

if (operatorBitmap == 0 || registryCoordinator.quorumCount() == 0) {
return new address[](0);

// Get number of strategies for each quorum in operator bitmap
bytes memory operatorRestakedQuorums = BitmapUtils.bitmapToBytesArray(operatorBitmap);
uint256 strategyCount;
for(uint256 i = 0; i < operatorRestakedQuorums.length; i++) {
strategyCount += stakeRegistry.strategyParamsLength(uint8(operatorRestakedQuorums[i]));

// Get strategies for each quorum in operator bitmap
address[] memory restakedStrategies = new address[](strategyCount);
uint256 index = 0;
for(uint256 i = 0; i < operatorRestakedQuorums.length; i++) {
uint8 quorum = uint8(operatorRestakedQuorums[i]);
uint256 strategyParamsLength = stakeRegistry.strategyParamsLength(quorum);
for (uint256 j = 0; j < strategyParamsLength; j++) {
restakedStrategies[index] = address(stakeRegistry.strategyParamsByIndex(quorum, j).strategy);
return restakedStrategies;


This function must be implemented in order to have all possible restakeable strategies for that AVS displayed on the UI correctly. These are the strategies that the AVS supports for restaking.

function getRestakeableStrategies() external view returns (address[] memory) {
uint256 quorumCount = registryCoordinator.quorumCount();

if (quorumCount == 0) {
return new address[](0);

uint256 strategyCount;
for(uint256 i = 0; i < quorumCount; i++) {
strategyCount += stakeRegistry.strategyParamsLength(uint8(i));

address[] memory restakedStrategies = new address[](strategyCount);
uint256 index = 0;
for(uint256 i = 0; i < _registryCoordinator.quorumCount(); i++) {
uint256 strategyParamsLength = _stakeRegistry.strategyParamsLength(uint8(i));
for (uint256 j = 0; j < strategyParamsLength; j++) {
restakedStrategies[index] = address(_stakeRegistry.strategyParamsByIndex(uint8(i), j).strategy);
return restakedStrategies;

Refer to ServiceManagerBase.sol for a reference implementation of the interface.

Proxy and Implementation addresses for AVSDirectory contract are available at EigenLayer Contracts -> Deployments.

To look at EigenDA's AVS-specific deployment -> Deployments

MetadataURI Format

The metadataURI should follow the format outlined in this example. The logo MUST be in PNG format.

"name": "EigenLabs AVS 1",
"website": "",
"description": "This is my 1st AVS",
"logo": "",
"twitter": ""

Note that for proper rendering of your logo on the UI, the logo must be hosted on GitHub and its reference must point to the raw file as the example above shows. If you need a repo for your logo to be hosted publicly, you can make a PR to the eigendata repo and have your logo added:

Holesky Dashboard onboarding

Once you've gone through the above steps and you've called the updateAVSMetadataURI function, your AVS will be reflected on the Holesky dashboard in about 10 minutes.

Mainnet Dashboard onboarding

Prior to planning your Mainnet onboarding, please test first on testnet. If not already connected to the Eigen Labs team regarding any onboarding questions, you can get in touch with the team by filling out this form.